
March 15, 2009

Good-bye to my four-legged friend

rosa 2

Horseshoe_lucky_on_doorKelly @ JAX Decor & Design

In September 2004, my dream of owning my horse came true when I bought a chestnut mare named Rosa.

In the 4-1/2 years that I had Rosa, we had lots of good times and a few not-so-good times… like when she bonked me in the head and gave me a black eye. I literally saw the flesh above my eye swell immediately on impact. I’m sure she broke my baby toe when she stepped on it once. And the biggie was when I fell off Rosa 1-1/2 years ago. I’d fallen off her before without sustaining too much damage, but this time was pretty bad. I ended up with a couple of cracked ribs and a partially collapsed lung. It hurt like hell, especially on day 3. But on the positive side, the doctor told me not to go to work for 3 weeks. SWEET!!! I also couldn’t drive — but that wasn’t so bad, I just walked everywhere I needed to go :-)

We went on some great rides together. The best two were in March 2006 and May 2007. Sometimes we went out for 2 or 3 hours at a time — usually on the first nice spring day when it felt great to be outside in the fresh air and warm sunshine. Most of the time, it was just Rosa and me, walking and trotting and cantering for miles and miles. I would relax and think and just enjoy having some quiet time.

pennyMy favourite time of day to ride was about an hour before sunset. The light from the setting sun shone off of Rosa’s chestnut coat and she glistened like a brand new copper penny.

Last August, I made a tough decision — I put Rosa up for sale. I just didn’t have the time or desire to ride anymore. Falling off a horse and breaking ribs will do that to a person ;-) I wanted her to go to a home where she would get lots of love and attention and be well cared for. And today, I found that home for her, with a mother and daughter who were looking for a horse just like Rosa.

I’m happy that Rosa has a good new home. But I’m also sad that she isn’t mine anymore. It hurts my heart, but I know that this is the best thing for Rosa. And that’s what matters most. So, good-bye my four-legged friend. I’m going to miss you…





Hi Kelly,

So sad :( but good you have found a new home! I loved horses as a child, although I never rode one! of course my youngest sister got a horse! She just started her own blog
You will have to check it out, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

A friend of mine gave up her horse a few years ago, and it was sad for her too, but it freed her up to try new things, so it was the best decision for her in the end. I hope it is for you too.
Good luck with your new interior design business - how exciting!

DesignTies said...

Kelly: I'm so happy that you've finally found a new home for Rosa!! I know how difficult this decision was for you... but how wonderful that the perfect family came along to buy her!!
Chat with you later...

qerat said...

It is sad, but as you say maybe it is better for Rosa this way.
She is a beautiful horse.

Pam Kersting said...

Kelly -- My heart hurts for you! However, you can be assured that you have given your beloved pet a wonderful home and new life with a girl that is going to give her so much love and attention. It'll be okay for both of you!

Decor To Adore said...

Sometimes in life we have to make a hard, but right choice. Good for you for having the strength to do so.

Kim said...

Aw, Rosa is so pretty. She will be so happy belonging to a child. Animals adore children. That picture of your Chihuahua is great. I torture Winifred in much the same way and she gets that look on her face. Maybe we should introduce the two of them.

Michelle said...

She is a beauty! Sorry for your loss...time will give you a new perspective :)

Is that your Chihuahua? adorable.

mrsben said...

Hi Kelly: (Just came over for the 'hallway link' but had to comment.) I have always had a passion for horses though never have owned one myself. (City slicker...smiles.) I can relate to how you must be feeling as I do have a friend who has owned these wonderful and magnificent beasts. The journey has been one of love and losses. (The sadest being a beautiful Mare that was diagnosed with Swamp Fever and had to put down.) So happy you found a good home for your beautiful Rosa. -Brenda-

mrsben said...

P.S: Do you mind me asking, where in the Ottawa area do you live?

xinex said...

What a beautiful horse! I am glad you found her a good home...Christine

Blair Friedeman said...

Aww. She is beautiful. I know how hard it can be to sell a horse--I had two and had to sell them up when I just couldn't make enough time (or afford them!)

Christy said...

Oh, Rosa is gorgeous. I miss riding - I rode competitively in high school and college...since then I've only been trail riding on vacations. I am sure Rosa will be happy in her new home - sounds like a great family for a horse to move into. I hope you're at peace with your decision because it sounds like it's the best one for both of you!

DesignTies said...

All your supportive comments are so reassuring and make me even more certain that I did the right thing for Rosa -- thanks!! :-)

mrsben, I'm in the suburbs southwest of Ottawa.

That actually wasn't my Chihuahua on the sidebar earlier -- I found that pic on the Net and thought it was good for a smile :-) I've added a pic of one of my dogs to the sidebar now :-)



Rosa is adorable, she has the cutest face.

Maria Killam said...

I have never ridden a horse well. They are beautiful as is Rosa!

Diane Schuller said...

That is sad and I know that feeling so well. My heart broke with each horse that I had to sell. I too had a very serious riding accident (well I had more than one but one, in particular, nearly killed me - literally). After that real serious one when I was 10, it took me well over a year or maybe it was two to finally get the nerve to do more than a trot on a horse. I did get over it but it was really unnerving so I fully understand how you felt. It's great Rosa has gone to a loving home.

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