
October 10, 2010

A beautiful long weekend & Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s been a beautiful long weekend so far here in Ottawa. I snapped these pretty fall colours just outside of Merickville yesterday afternoon…


And then I snapped this picture driving along the 416. I just pointed the camera out the window and hoped for the best. The sky changed a lot in a couple of hours!!

cool shot

Hope you’re having a great weekend, and Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian readers :-)



Vanessa@decor happy said...

Happy Thanksgiving Kelly! The weather here has been beautiful as well. Love your photos.

Lauren said...

Happy Thanksgiving Kelly!

little luxury list said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I was in Vancouver/Victoria last week and the view was perfect!

Thanks for stopping by my blog - always glad to meet a blogger buddy of Connie/Sogni e Sorrisi. Photographs are definitely on the top of my list too - I love our family and wedding photos (those are two phot books I recently made)

Shannon @ What's Up Whimsy said...

Gorgeous photos Kelly!

It's been beautiful all weekend here too!

Have a great rest of your Thanksgiving weekend!

Linda @ theLENNOXX said...

Happy Thanksgiving Canada!

E. Charlotte said...

Great photos and Happy Thanksgiving to you! :)

Marcus Design said...

Happy Thanksgiving my friend! Hope you have a fabulous long weekend with famly and friends. Lovely photos!


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous autumn colours - Happy Thanksgiving - we have such a lot to be thankful for !!!

mrsben said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU too Kelly. Your photography is beautiful!
(I realize its been a while since I have visited but I just realized I had lost your blog in my favourites. Shall return to play catch up for sure. (Have a Pumkin Pie in the oven and the timer is going off)). Hugs

christine, just bella said...

Gorgeous photos! The leaves here are definitely dwindling, I can feel winter just around the corner!!

Hope you had a great thanksgiving weekend!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a perfect thanksgiving :)

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