
October 13, 2009

I want a purple ostrich

In fact, I want SIX purple ostriches — just like these ones:

lavender ostrich chairs

Designer Samantha Pynn featured these chairs in the July 2009 issue of Style At Home. She bought the chairs from Craigslist and then had them painted and re-upholstered in a this super-cool lavender faux ostrich leather fabric.

I forgot about them till a couple of weeks ago when Samantha showed them during a segment on Cityline. And now that I’ve pretty much settled on a colour scheme for the living room, I want purple ostrich chairs too!! So now be vewy, vewy quiet, because today we’re hunting ostwitches…

ostrich myspace

Hey, don’t worry, it’s faux ostrich leather!! Besides, real ostriches don’t come in purple :-)

sig new


Awesome Sara said...

i was like thoe freaky birds come in color?

MissBliss said...

what a great upgrade on that project! Very unique... love projects on CL finds... ;)

angelo said...

GREAT use of color.

Christy said...

I want EIGHT of them for my dining room. So freaking fabulous! And love that peacock head - made me laugh!

Greet Lefèvre said...

A very good taste you have Kelly!
And what a lovely bird!


Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

That looks really pretty! And here I am going to be painting white chairs brown! I guess we should be grateful ostrich's don't come in purple.

Maya@Completely Coastal said...

Such a great color..., and quite a character that bird.

janet said...

I did see these chairs and thought of you right away, very pretty! how are things going, are you enjoying school?

Kat said...

Oh I just love those chairs! Wouldn't it just make you smile to walk into that room every day? And I love that ostrich photo, what a crazy looking animal. But thanks alot Kelly, now I have the purple cow rhyme stuck in my head lol! Kathy

Kelly at Kitchen Sync said...

Designers! They have billions of items to chose from and what do they want?

What's not available. ;)

Not that I would know anything about that. *eyedart*

Maria Killam said...

You are so funny! Love those chairs though, I'm using orange faux ostrich on some ottomans going underneath a coffee table!

Donna @ Paisley and Perspective said...

Kelly you are a riot!!! Is this the plan for the Kijiji chairs?

And what a nosy bird he is !!

Anonymous said...

That is a freaky picture. It's like the ostrich is looking right at you.

Cristin // Simplified Bee said...

Love it!


Anonymous said...

Those chairs are fabulous! And I think that ostrich is wondering where Samantha found his purple cousin?!

Kelly@ColorSizzle said...

OMG! I love these chairs! The perfect shade of lavender. Faux ostrich leather...who knew? That ostrich looks surprised by all of this.

Gayle said...

Haha! Very cute post and very cool chairs! said...


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