Can you guess what our Met Monday transformation is this week??
It's our brand new freshly-squeezed-by-Katie blog design!! Weeehooo!!!
When Maria at Colour Me Happy debuted her new header a couple of months ago, I instantly fell in love with it...
I wanted a sexy new header too!! Victoria wasn't quite as excited about being caricaturized (which I'm sure isn't a word) as I was, but she eventually agreed to go along with it. I'm sure it had nothing to do with my smooth persuasive abilities ;-)
Katie at Lemon Cherry Blogs was our girl – she designed Maria's header, and we knew she would come up with something great for our blog too. In fact, we decided to take it to the next level and have Katie come up with a whole new blog design for us.
We wanted something fun and funky and cool, with a touch of sparkle and glam – and Katie didn't disappoint!! I mean, check out the caricatures of us that Katie created. They look almost as hot as we look in real life!! Hahaha!!! I wish!!!! Is it wrong to have caricature envy?? Because I'm seriously wishing the real me looked like the caricature me!!
I love purple and blue, Victoria loves orange and green. I'm a bit wacky and tomboyish, Victoria isn't so much into wacky and is definitely the girly one. Katie was able to create a design that represents us perfectly. So perfectly, in fact, that when I opened the first drafts she sent to us, I just about peed myself from the excitement!!
Victoria and I had a heated debate about green vs purple strips down the sides. Well, as heated as you can get over MSN Messenger ;-) In the end, Victoria realized that purple rules and green drools, so I got the purple strips down the sides that I wanted :-) But I let Victoria get the swirls in her two favourite colours, and DesignTies is back to its happy feng shui self – it's all about compromise :-) Note to our readers from Victoria: Don’t let Kelly snow-ball ya… I let Kelly have her purple because I knew that just a touch of orange and green would be timeless!! ;-)
Obviously we have a little clean-up and re-organization to do… please be patient while we work out our sidebar!!
We'd love to hear your thoughts on our new blog design – so talk to us!! Then pop over to Lemon Cherry Blogs and see all the services Katie offers. Because everyone should have an awesome freshly squeezed blog with a sexy caricature of themselves :-)
And then head on back to Susan’s blog, Between Naps on the Porch,
Katie, you rock!!!! THANK YOU!!!
And to our readers… we’re crazy about all of you! Thank you SO MUCH for following our little blog!!

Fantastic, your new layout's fantastic!
Clever, clever. What a great and unexpected topic for a metamorphosis! I love the new header. It is very sexy, as you say!
This is fabulous! Katie did an excellent job!
Very nice :)
Reflects your fresh outlook and the way you write. The layout is also beautiful.
Love it! The header is perfect. What a great job she did capturing your style and personalities! Kathy
Yep i have blog envy, very nice!
I absolutely LOVE it. It's gorgeous. Your button is already on my sidebar! The sidebar is a little too far over towards the purple stripe though, the far sides of the words are getting cut off, on my screen, at least. And I love that the text is in a smaller column - it seems much easier to read that way - for me anyway! I totally love it! YEAH for new blog designs!
I can only see the bottom part of the header banner ???. I'm going to log out and log back in and see if that helps. What I can see looks great and I'm going to take your new button now and add it to my blog sidebar!
Funny how something as simple as a blog header can make you feel great! I was over the top about mine when I had it done and saw the result.
Thanks for the positive feedback :-) We've been planning a blog reno for a while, and when we saw the header Katie did for Maria and some of the other blogs she's designed, we just had to get her to design ours too!!
Christy, we'll be working on fixing and cleaning up the sidebars this week. Thanks for letting us know about the words getting cut off and narrower columns being easier to read :-)
Kathy, that's odd about the header. I'm on dial-up right now, and although it's slow, the entire header and layout downloads fine on my computer. And yeah, a cool blog header really can make your day!! :-)
Any all feedback is most welcome. If something about the new layout doesn't work for you, please let us know that too :-)
Hi girls!
It looks great! And your caricatures aren't those cheesy ones at fairs! You're both looking pretty hot and sexy!
Good job!
Ladies it looks M A R V A L E O U S!
Who doesn't love a little glitz, glam and sparkle. How fun can't wait to see progress shine through.
Hi Kelly and Victoria,
the design looks fresh and not too seriously! A very nice combination.
Btw - I have changed the title on my Blooms and Bossoms blog - which is now "In Terms of colour" - a more appropriate title I would say for what I am doing.
Looking forward to your new posts...
Warm regards, Petra
Congrats on your new header, it's smashin'. Love it!
OHMYGOSH! LOVE LOVE LOVE the new blog design!! When I get back into blogging (I've been so busy at work lately) I want to upgrade. I may just have hire Katie! For some reason my puter won't let me see your header yet, but I'm sure it'll work outself out! Oh, I just love it! I can't wait to catch on reading blogs!! I've missed them so much!!
~angela @ peonypatch (hope my peonies aren't dead tho since I haven't written lately!)
It looks great!
You Ladies are too sweet. And all those fabulous comments - I'm totally blushing!! Thanks :)
Hi ladies! LOVE the new 'header'. Very chic!
Re the layout, I find with these (old tired) eyes the 'width' of the purple side bars are a little distracting. Sorry Kelly.
Talk about a renovation! It's chic and fresh and young! Do you think Katie can do this for me--not my blog--me? Love it!
Very nice and So Sassy !!!!
Hugs ~ Kammy
OMG i just love it!! How did I miss this post? Isn't she amazing? I just love your new look ladies, great job!!
LOVE the new design.........looks FANTASTIC!!
I noticed it immediately! I LOVE the new look, especially the header.
Okay, I was able to see the whole thing. It looks great and I love it!
Great new design! It looks wonderful!
Wow, wow, wow! Not much more to say - this new look is super. I love the colour combinations and the caricatures are too cool! What an excellent job Katie did!
Just like "interiorblogging" above, I've got blog-envy ...
And as always, I love the banter and tone of your blog - honest and amusing. You make me smile! Keep up the good work gals - you rock!
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