
September 30, 2010

Yabba Dabba Doo!!

the-flintstones sunday mercury

Today is the 50th anniversary of our favourite Stone Age family, The Flintstones!! When I was in elementary school, I walked home every day at noon to eat lunch and watch The Flintstones. It was my daily ritual :-) Even though Fred and Wilma were the stars, I preferred their co-stars, Barney and Betty Rubble.

fred and barney fanpop Flintstones-Wilma-Bett wp themes forest

There was Fred and Wilma’s little girl Pebbles and Barney & Betty’s super-strong little guy, Bam-Bam.

pebbles_bam-bam photobucket

Dino was the coolest pet — I mean, come on, he was a purple dinosaur!! Ummmm, OK, on second thought, maybe purple dinosaurs are kinda dorky ;-) And there was Hoppy, the green dinosaur/kangaroo mix. A Stone Age mutt ;-)

dino fanpop hoppy fanpop

Mr. Slate was the boss at the quarry where Fred & Barney worked.

Mr._Slate jrj-socrates

There was the occasional special guest appearance by stars like Cary Granite and Stony Curtis and Ann Margrock.

Gary-Granite-Cary-Grant-the-flintstones fanpop stony curtis avelyman ann margrock buncheness

I have to say that Uncle Giggle totally creeped me out. Sadly, when hubby’s hair has gotten a bit too long and he’s sweaty, he looks just like Uncle Giggles:

uncle_giggles sports perspectives


Some people think hubby looks like Jack Nicholson, which really isn’t any better…

jack joblo

Anyway, I digress — being an interior design blogger, I have to include Fred & Wilma’s fashionable home:

flintstones house 70s child

Here’s a cool 3D rendition:

The_Flintstones_House_by_fabriciocampos deviant art

And this is a real-life Flintstones house in Nas Montanhas, Portugal:

flint house real nas montanhas portugal dailymail co ukflint house real nas montanhas portugal dailymail co uk 2

It may not look real, but it is!! You can check out a video here that includes a tour of the house. Bonus if you understand Portugese :-)

Happy Big 50 to the Flintstones gang!!

sig purple

Don’t forget, tomorrow is Designer’s Challenge 101 featuring seven different takes on how to design a living room on a $6,000 budget. It’s going to be fun, so be sure to check it out!!

Image sources 1.Sunday Mercury 2,5,6,8.Fanpop 3.WP Themes Forest 4.Photobucket 7.JRJ Socrates 9.Avelyman 10.Buncheness 11.Sports Perspectives 12.Joblo 13.70s Child 14.Fabricio Campos Deviant Art 15,16.Daily Mail


  1. What a cool post and of course I'm lovin' the colors!
    Happy Anniversary!

  2. What a fun and different post for a Thursday morning!

    P.S. I think you should have included a picture of your hubby beside Jack for comparison!

  3. no kidding? Already 50? Wow, used to love the Flintstones.

  4. What a cool house! I love the Flintstones, can't believe they're been around 50 years.

  5. LOL! Does hubby know you are comparing him to Mr. Giggles - and to Jack Nicholson as well! I used to watch Flinstones while I ate lunch too and Betty was my favourite! I also loved Pebbles because she had red hair!!

  6. OMG - this ages me but I grew up watching the Flinstones !!!

  7. Such a classic! And so much fun!

    That house in Portugal is really something! Must show hubby (his hobby is rock climbing!)

    ox, Mon

  8. Finding out that I am as old as Fred Flintstone has made me feel ancient. Maybe I will go cook up a dinosaur bone. lol

  9. Haha what a fun post! Happy anniversary to the Flontstones!


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