
September 8, 2010

Go sit on it!!

Why make the effort to get up off your sofa and go for a mountain hike when your sofa can BE the mountain hike?? Complete with refreshing waterfall…

gaetano pesce montanaraMontanara Sofa by Gaetan Pesce

Is it just me, or would this sofa make you feel like you’re sitting on an alien’s face and those lights are his eyeballs staring at you??

morpheo modern furniture classics

Morpheo sofa from Modern Furniture Classics

This is just plain creepy… it’s like a big bug crawling up the wall. Uh, hubby, would you mind coming over here and squishing this large insect??

canape-crawl-up-the-wall-chair parcours sait germaineDesigner: Lila Lang

For everyone who’s ever pondered the probing question: What does it feel like to sit on a giant scrubbing brush??

sofa-be-inspiredDesigner: Student at Bucks New University

Don’t have a cow, man!!

cow-sofaDesigner: Rodolfo Rocchetti

The Dalilips Sofa — gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “Kiss my ass” ;-)

Salvador_Dali_and_Oscar_Tusquets_Dalilips_Sofa Designers: Salvador Dali & Oscar Tusquets, image from bonluxat


sig purple

To see more crazy sofas, check out 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs.
Unless otherwise noted, all images from Freshome.


  1. WHY WOULD PEOPLE BUY THESE THINGS?? And how did the designer even come up with that idea? Hmm, I think I am going to make a sofa that is climbing on the wall...haha.


  2. The first one is at least pretty - though it doesn't look entirely comfy. The others? Eh not my thing!

  3. Kelly what can I say.....oh dear....

    I have a New Giveaway from the French Basketeer I think you will love!

    Art by Karena

  4. I like where number one is going, if only it was beautiful, haha! The others, nope.

  5. Okay for the waterfall & the giant toothbrush, but the rest? Too creepy lol.

  6. What the hell??? How on earth did you find these things??!! I'm curious if ANY of the above sofa designs have been sold. I think the first one is the worst, because it feels like it's trying to be beautiful. The other sofas are obviously trying to be humorous...right?

  7. Ahaha - these are soooooooo nasty. Sorry Mr. Pesce, we're going to have to agree to disagree.

  8. HA HA! I like the one crawling up the wall a lot actually. it's so interesting! great collection of sofas!

  9. Oh Kelly those couches are hilarious - you have given me a laugh !!!!

  10. That is awesome. I would never get one of those but love to look at.

  11. Kelly,

    How original these are. This is a fun way to tweak your imagination and it reminds of an art project I had in college. We had to build a piece of furniture that could support our weight using cardboard. It was crazy fun to draw, assemble, and then enter it in a student art contest. Sure makes you think!


  12. Haha what a hilarious collection of crazy sofas! Kiss my ass.. LOL!


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