
June 11, 2009

Thanks for the awards!

Blog_Awardcanadian-flag-heartThanks to Caroline at Attractive Home Design for Less for giving DesignTies the One Lovely Blog Award :-)

Now we have the arduous task of passing the award on to 15 blogs that we think are lovely. Arduous, because we visit and enjoy SO MANY wonderful blogs every day. Hey,  I know — because we love to support our fellow Canadian bloggers, let’s give this award to lovely Canadian blogs!! Good idea, eh?? :-) So here we go. In no particular order… well, actually, it’s alphabetical ;-)

(Links to these blogs are in our sidebar — go check them out!!)

1. A Schematic Life 6. dh designs 11. Patricia Gray
2. An Inspired Life 7. Diane Schuller Lifestyle Photographer 12. Restyled Home
3. Brillante Home Decor 8. girlaboutOtown 13. Susan on Design
4. Colour Me Happy 9. M2JL :: STUDIO / modern ottawa 14. This Is My Life
5. Designing Woman 10. Meade Design Group 15. VERDIGRIS VIE

deer blog award And…. we got ANOTHER award!!!! Christy at A Lil’ Welsh Rarebit has given us the super-cute Your blog is as deer to me as cupcakes award. Who doesn’t love cupcakes?! :-D

We love all the blogs that we visit, so this award goes out to all of them too — including right back at ya, Christy!! :-) I’d like to give a special mention to three bloggers to thank them for being especially wonderful to us, though:

And one more little matter to take care of… you still have a few hours to enter our current Jamie Drake giveaway. Leave a comment on this post or any of the posts listed below and you’re entered. That’s it!! Easy!!

And there’s still time to enter these giveaways too:

Good luck!!



  1. Congratulations on your awards! How nice to be recognized for the hard work you have put into your blog.

    Thanks for visiting my blog too!

  2. Gee Ladies -- I am humbled.

    Thanks so much for passing on the "One Lovely Blog Award". I will try my best to be worthy! I've checked out most of the other Canadian blogs and they are fabulous ... thanks again!


  3. Awww, you two deserve all the accolades.

  4. Well you know I love you both!
    Who wouldn't love that delicious cupcake?
    Thank you Kelly and Victoria for this yummy award.


  5. Congrats to all...So is this an online Blog Party? Ha! Ha! Good work ya all!


  6. Congratulations and thank you :) It's great to be able to share ideas like that and discover new things through so many inspiring blog. Great work everyone!
    - Marie

  7. Congratulations on being recognized in this way ... and thank YOU for the great Canadian "shout out"!

  8. Congratulations. You totally deserve the award.


  9. Thank you for including me in your list of the best!! Did you two create the canadian heart? So fun!!

  10. Congrat's to two VERY deserving women. You posses great talent & are always terrific with your comments to fellow bloggers. You have brought me great inspiration over the months since starting my wee blog.

  11. Thank you so much for the mention. I truly feel honored to be in your list.

    Keep the good work!

  12. Congratulation on your Blog award, and thanks so much for the mention!!

  13. Very cool. Good on ya!
    Thanks too for the shout out. Much appreciated.
    (I've been busted for being behind on my blog reading!!)

  14. A big congratulations on your blog award. Well deserved Kelly and Victoria. It's obvious how much hard work and thought you put into your posts. Thanks so much for the mention. I've been a out of the blog loop over the past month due to a hectic work schedule. I'm close to completing a very large project within a very tight deadline. I adore your blog posts and read them every chance I get. Take care.

  15. Congrats on the award! I cant believe you honored only the Canadians. Humph! What about the Americans! Eh? Yeh sure we are not nearly as stylish or cool, but a little love our way pacifies our ego's! LOL!


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