
April 8, 2009

What a Shame…

Darn :-( It turns out that the Colour Theory course I was enrolled in has been cancelled!clip_image002

I was thinking it was weird that I hadn’t heard anything from the college confirming my enrolment and providing me with information about room location, etc., so I gave Admissions a call. They told me that the course has been cancelled and that the Program Assistant for the department should have given me a call, informing me of the cancellation. I’m pretty sure I didn’t receive that call…

What a shame

But don’t despair for me…

The course is definitely scheduled for this fall and you’ll see me there, learning all I can learn about those dreaded beige undertones from Maria Killam!!

So in honour of my favourite colour (and, as it happens, one of Maria’s favourites too! See… I’m working my way to “teacher’s pet” long before the course even starts!!), I’ll leave you with a photo I found today – and coveted (love the pillow’s fabric) – as I scrolled through my Better Homes & Gardens e-newsletter.

orange pillow on green armchair

Victoria from Edin Interiors


  1. That little pop of orange brightened my day! Thanks

  2. :( :( :( Sooo sad to hear that your class was cancelled.

  3. At least they will be rescheduling it! I ADORE colour!
    Colour theory classes have come in handy for painting!

  4. I sure hope they reschedule your colour class, so you can share what you learn. Have a happy Easter.

  5. Awwww....I will looking forward to hearing about your progress. I am glad they are going to reschedule.

  6. It was cancelled because there wasn't enough enrollment for Spring. We will be back on with the course in the Fall. Thanks for your great colourful post!


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