
April 14, 2009

A modern parterre garden

A parterre is a formal garden that consists of planting beds edged in stone or tightly clipped hedging and gravel paths. The layout of a parterre is usually symmetrical.

Here’s an example of a traditional parterre garden with hedges, bay trees, and topiary at Bickham House in Devon, England (photo from

parterre pro corbis

And here’s a modern take on a parterre garden in Vancouver, BC. It was designed by landscape architect Ron Rule:

garden 1

I love how the white hydrangeas with their green foliage stand out against the dark gray house.

garden 2

The fountain is made from an antique Chinese wheat grinding wheel.

garden 4

I always like decks and patios that have multiple levels. In this case, you can see the eating area to the upper right. The lower level looks like a great place to lounge around in front of the fireplace.

garden 3

This water wall is an interesting take on a water fountain. The design is beautiful and unique, and would be lovely even without the flowing water.

garden 5


All pictures from Style At Home May 2009


  1. Oh so pretty Kelly! Thanks for sharing the photos.

  2. Gorgeous! I love parterre gardens. And I love that other people have to keep them trimmed and lovely ...

  3. Kelly,
    Gorgeous photos you've shown. . . makes me want to run outside and pull out all my summer furniture!!

  4. great photos
    love the water wall and the fireplace.
    wouldn't be great to have a nice book and just sit there??

  5. These outside gardens are so beautiful!! I'd take either! Although I like the modern, my heart (and all the romance) is in the English symmetric gardens :) I can just see ladies strolling around the English gardens in big poofy dresses!
    ~angela @ peonypatch

  6. Gardening is such an art and they make it look so easy. I just bought some plants today but my yard looks nothing like that! Gorgeous.

  7. Crazy about the photos. I really miss hydrangeas from my WA days & I will be saving the outdoor fireplace photo. Would love to copy that for an outdoor space for our San Diego home. The fountain is spectacular too.

    Thank you!!

  8. Kelly, Gardens are fascinating to me...these you showcased are just lovely! ~CC Catherine


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